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Solar thermal energy

Solar systems convert solar energy into a different, usable energy form. Thermal solar systems provide heat for service water and hot water.

How a solar thermal system works

The way solar thermal systems work is relatively simple:

  • A mixture of water and antifreeze circulates in the solar thermal system: the so-called solar fluid.

  • The solar fluid is heated by solar radiation in the solar collectors, which are normally installed on the roof.

  • The heat collected is transferred to a battery via a heat exchanger.

  • The hot water produced from this can be used as drinking or service water and to support the heating system.

The solar thermal system should have dimensions such that it can meet the hot water demand outside the heating season and be used to support the heating system in winter.

Advantages of a solar thermal system

Save energy

If you combine your heating system with solar thermal energy, you can save up to 25 per cent energy. The energy yield per square metre is even higher than with photovoltaics.

Conserve resources

Around a third of the total energy requirement in Austria is used to heat buildings. Energy-saving construction methods and economical heating systems such as heat pumps or solar thermal energy can significantly reduce this consumption and thus help to conserve resources and protect the earth's atmosphere.

Generating hot water

Solar systems are ideal for producing hot water and supporting heating systems. Thanks to the free availability of solar energy, the investment can pay for itself within a few years through the savings in fossil energy.

Basically, you have the option of utilising solar energy to generate hot water and/or support your heating system. The savings on oil or gas will pay off in any case: You use a good 60 per cent less energy per year that would otherwise be needed to heat water for your daily needs.